Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What Makeup Would Look Best For My Eyes (Pictures)?


what eyemakeup would look best with my eye shape, color, etc.?

in the picture i'm wearing black eyeliner, silver eyeshadow, and mascara.

any tips or advice is appreciated! thanks~ :]What Makeup Would Look Best For My Eyes (Pictures)?
black eye liner, gold (dark and shimmery works best) eye shadow, with hints of purple and dark blue around corners and on crease. good luck!

p.s. you have lovely eyez!What Makeup Would Look Best For My Eyes (Pictures)?
I think eyemakeup that would play up your blue eyes would be best.

Like beige eyeshadow. Almond mascara. (You can find these products by Almay)

All black makeup just make you look ordinary and very plain. So use some color and work what yo momma gave you!
I think with your skin tone and eye color you can pretty much rock any color. But if i were you i'd be wearing something with a lot of contrast since your complexion is fair and your hair is dark
i `d suggest to use more of an eye liner (preferably black)
Is that ur EYE?!?! prettyyyyyyyy
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